
Fair and upfront pricing for your campaign

Our ad pricing is completely transparent and simple to understand

Pricing for Q2 2024

Prices are per thousand impressions (CPM) with a $1,000 minimum ad buy.

For other region prices or customizations, see our prospectus or try our campaign calculator.

We offer an automatic 10% discount for ad buys of $3,000 and 15% for $25,000.

Topic US, Canada, UK, Australia,
New Zealand, Ireland
Blend: W. Europe + US, Canada,
UK, Australia, New Zealand
France, Germany,
Western Europe
Security / privacy $6.50 $5.25 $4.00
Data science / machine learning $6.25 $5.00 $4.00
DevOps $6.25 $5.00 $4.00
Frontend web / JavaScript $6.25 $5.00 $4.00
Backend web development $5.75 $4.50 $3.50
All developers $4.75 $3.80 $2.85

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Example campaigns

These example campaigns will give illustrate the prices and what you can expect.

English Speaking Campaign
$ 1,330

280k impressions

Geo targeting US, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand

Topic targeting All developers

Rate $4.75 CPM

Data Scientist Campaign
$ 4,500

1,000k impressions

Geo targeting North America, W. Europe, Australia, New Zealand

Topic targeting Data scientists

Rate $4.50 CPM
(10% discount for $3k+)

Price your exact campaign with the campaign calculator.


Frequently asked pricing questions

How do prices vary?

Pricing varies based on the audience and geography of the developers you're trying to reach. We also make small updates to our prices quarterly to balance demand.

Are the prices monthly? Quarterly?

Campaigns can be one-time, monthly, or quarterly. All pricing is per impression (CPM). You will receive an invoice for your campaign (or you can be billed monthly for longer campaigns) and the per impression price is set for the length of your campaign.

Have more questions? Our Advertiser FAQ has more answers!

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