Revenue Calculator: How Much You'll Earn with EthicalAds

There's a few important variables that determine how much you'll make with EthicalAds. We built this calculator so you know what kind of a monthly payout to expect.

Monthly site pageviews

How many pageviews your site gets is the most important input into how much you'll earn with us. Use "unique pageviews" if that is broken out in your analytics.


Pageview estimate source

Where did you get the figure for your monthly pageviews? Different tools will vary in how accurately they are able to count billable pageviews (see why that is).

Estimated CPM

Most publishers on our network earn between $2.25 and $2.75 CPM. You earn 70% of what we charge advertisers which varies based on site topic and the geography of your audience. Our standard CPM numbers assume more than half of your audience is located in North America and Western Europe.


Campaign calculator URL

Monthly pageviews

Estimated CPM

Estimated ad impressions

Estimated monthly payout

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