RoutineHub uses EthicalAds

RoutineHub keeps the lights on with EthicalAds and was able to expand when a large traffic spike came with the latest iOS upgrade.

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iOS task automation



Unique shortcuts



Average time on site



Monthly pageviews

Case study

About RoutineHub

Keeping a site running isn't free, especially as it grows in popularity. Adding paid ads to a site works, but RoutineHub didn't want to sell the data of their trusting users. They tried to keep things running by working directly with sponsors, but that was a full-time job and barely paid the hosting bills.

RoutineHub found EthicalAds and at the perfect time too. The week after they started using EthicalAds, RoutineHub's traffic grew five-fold. Without the ad revenue during this time, there would have been no way to migrate the site to new servers in order to keep it running smoothly.

Now RoutineHub is turning a profit which will help grow their community, while continuing to keep the community's personal data safe.

RoutineHub home page

RoutineHub is a community for sharing Siri Shortcuts with other iOS users.

“If I hadn't have had ad revenue during this time, there would have been no way for me to migrate the site to new servers in order to keep the site running smoothly.”

Harley Hicks
Harley Hicks
Founder of RoutineHub

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