Reporting screenshot showing advertiser overview

Detailed & Transparent Reporting

Our easy-to-use reporting gives you the tools to get the most out of your campaigns

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Detailed performance

With performance broken down by day, campaign, ad, region, and publisher, you have many ways to split test and optimize your campaigns.


Our transparent reports detail exactly when and where your ads are shown: both geographically and on which publishers on our network.

Have more reporting questions? We have answers.

What types of reports are available?

We have the following reports that can help you understand and optimize your campaigns:

  • Daily performance - This report shows day by day performance for each campaign and each individual ad
  • Geos - Performance by country and region
  • Publisher - Performance broken down by publisher

What data is available in the reports?

Each report can be filtered by any date range and shows the following data points:

  • Views/impressions
  • Clicks
  • Spend
  • CTR

How are conversions tracked?

Track conversions using your existing conversion tracking mechanism such as analytics and rely on UTM or other parameters added to your ad destination link.

Can I export my reports?

All our reports can be exported to a spreadsheet and we have a reporting API for complex integrations.

Have more questions? Our Advertiser FAQ has more answers!

Advertise across our network

Start growing your business with our network today. Tell us a bit more about the campaign you want to run and an ad specialist will be in touch.

There's a 10% discount for campaigns of $3,000 or more and 15% for $25,000 or more over a quarter.
We take privacy seriously and we don't share your email. You aren't going to be added to any mailing lists.

Become an advertiser

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